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TITLE: How do immigrant children communicate outside their homelands ? 

author(s): Nucci, L.B. & Carneiro, A.S.R.

ABSTRACT: Communication is constituted as an interactional process, which involves not only linguistic knowledge, but also sociocultural knowledge. With the intensification of migratory processes, understanding what permeates intercultural communication is fundamental for the integration of immigrants in the lands where they settle down. Objective: to discuss the communication of immigrant children outside their homelands, with regard to communication between them and the natives of the country of refuge. Methodology: a bibliographic review of the literature was carried out, of a qualitative and exploratory nature, selecting recent materials in line with the proposed theme, published in periodicals, specialized magazines, reference books and academic works. Discussion: interculturality and the establishment of multilingual communities are made up of individuals who attribute meaning by interweaving and mixing different resources, which go beyond limits and borders. Can this affect the development of children? When studying cross-cultural sociolinguistics, it is necessary to look closely at translanguage practices, considering the histories, geographies and index orders that shape them Conclusion: The advantages of children who have suffered in multilingual communities, whether this ability has affected their development, and the advantages of growing up as a multilingual individual. Thus, interactional studies must consider several issues, dynamically and simultaneously, and not only observe linguistic theoretical aspects.

KEYWORDS: Immigration, Refugees, Communication. language barriers.

CITATION: Nucci, L.B. & Carneiro, A.S.R. How do immigrant children communicate outside their homelands ?. The Academic Society Journal, 7(2) 68-73, 2023. DOI:


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